Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Enersource plot twist

Interesting developments, particularly for me in the South as Carmen Corbasson of Ward 1 is my councillor.

Few details are available at the moment but one of the three resigning councillors, Ward 7's Nando Iannicca, mentioned the development at today’s council meeting and asked that the item be added to the agenda for discussion.Iannicca, Ward 1 Councillor Carmen Corbasson and Ward 10 Councillor Sue McFadden have resigned from the Enersource board, which has been embroiled in a dispute with the City following council’s decision to slash the salaries of board members.Board members refused to accept the pay cut last April and council responded with an ultimatum to take the cut or be fired.
Corbasson's name is sometimes tossed around as a possible future mayor once Hazel leaves office (and knowing Hazel's resolve, I would place money on the reins of the city being literally taken from her cold, dead hands) so I wonder if the kerfluffle around Enersource could affect a potential run.

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