Thursday, October 11, 2007

On Victory

I remember when I first started working on Charles' campaign way back in June. We had no literature save for a general piece about the budget that we had slapped a Sousa sticker on. We had no campaign HQ, we were basically operating out of the back of Charles' van and kitchen. I would go over to Charles' house, and if he was stuck and traffic and was late, his wife would feed me spaghetti apologetically. All the days, weeks, and months of knocking on doors, dropping literature, making phone calls, fundraising, and everything else paid off. I was expecting a Sousa victory of course, but the size of it stunned even me. I assumed we would win in a very tight race, and so did everyone else, but I can't complain about getting 47% of the vote in a riding that used to be one of the safest PC seats in the province. Everyone on the team worked so hard for the victory, and I was honoured to be working on his campaign. Mr. Sousa will be a wonderful MPP for Mississauga South, and will ensure that we keep moving forward.

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